Thursday, November 3, 2011


I really like my Kobo. I just thought I'd throw that out there. However, there is nothing like reading from a physical book. I have been reading The Land of Green Plums by Herta Muller, and it feels nice to turn the pages. I like alternating between the two book forms. They are two different experiences, and both are enjoyable.
This got me thinking about what I would do if I saw the library had the same book in both digital and physical format available. I say available, because if one was checked out I would obviously go with the one I could read right away. I have not decided what I would do in that situation. Maybe I would choose the one I could check out for longer. If I were traveling, I would probably go with the ebook. Maybe I would base the decision on how heavy or thick the book is. If it's small, might as well get the physical book. If it's too big to carry around in my bag (I've mentioned my bag issues) then probably the ebook. Or maybe I'd ask the librarian which form is most popular for that particular book, and take out the least popular one. That way the popular form would be available to others. I suppose I'll find out when the situation arises.
What would you do?

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